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March Booster Club Minutes

March Booster Minutes

Date: 3-2-2015

Time: 6:00-7:15

Location: Anoka High School Room 108


Randy Doppler, Kris Doppler, Joe Laudenbach, Jill Laudenbach, Paula Lohse, Wendy Bengston, Paul Hillborn, Kerry Sutton, Paul Lombard, Troy Larson, Tony Smith, Randy Sieben, John Halter, Gwen Ledin



Agenda Item

Financials-Wendy Bengston


A few pending payments. Coach purchased white boards, gave check to Randy give to Coach for his mom. Decide on camps next meeting and confirm if we want to kick some of cost to make affordable for all players?  

Action Item(s)


Agenda Item

Recap Coaches vs. Cancer Event – Joe Laudenbach


Raised close to $3500 this year. Last year $1700 Great job by all to help. Next year suggestions, stay away from MORP weekend. Possibly do event the same night as cheer camp for youth? A lot of people were at that game, could fill bleachers even more? Additional ideas with drawing people to the game, Youth participation is huge draw.  This event does NOT have to be held on a set weekend. Changes over time leave open to have whenever it works in schedule.

Action Item(s)


Agenda Item

Recap Senior/Parent Night – Gwen Ledin/Jill Laudenbach


Event was well received. All agreed they like the one event instead of a separate parent night. Allows us to honor the Seniors and their parents together. Players love the fleece blankets-they are huge and warm! Thank you JILL!!!!! Suggestion for next year would be to have a separate reception for 9th grade parents.

Action Item(s)


Agenda Item

Scoreboard Update –via message from Paul Hillborn


Some additional expenses may be incurred. Paul is working with company to negotiate costs. They did not deliver on time, were not easy to work with. He will update.

Action Item(s)


Agenda Item

Banquet – Paula Lohse


161 responses. Just received one today after the deadline. Not sure if more will come in or not? Cakes have been ordered from Costco – Gwen L. will pick up Monday March 9th during the day. All is ready; any help in setting up day of event would be greatly appreciated. Beginning set up at 3:30, let Paula know if you can help.

Action Item(s)

Gwen L. pick up cakes at Costco

Agenda Item

Off Season – Paul Lombard


Questions/thoughts around off season. Minnesota Heat is having tryouts soon. What is the request, off season items for players? Camps etc.? Incoming 9th graders have about 20 that play football. Discussion with football coaches to ensure summer offerings are separate and not at the same time. Paul connected with Coach Buerkle

Action Item(s)

Coach Tohm will bring to banquet expectations for off season

Agenda Item

Future Purchases – Randy Doppler


Coach purchased white boards. Basketballs for Varsity – 20 or 25 $1000. We have the new cages that lock and can see easily if any are missing. Need to get rid of old basketballs.  

Action Item(s)

? Not sure if Coach is ordering or Randy ?  

Agenda Item

Misc. Discussion


Need to reserve locations soon for the Classic Tournament. Joe asked if Paul Lombard would be willing to chair the event. He has handled many tournaments, knows ins-outs. Confirmed that Coach will be the mediator between the boosters and Gary Gave. Dates:  Dec. 4-6. Possible sites, Lord of Life, High School and Oakview. Fred Moore is concern because we can’t have for the entire day. Look at options. Not recommending AR College-too expensive. Reserve gyms with Gwen Poore soon.


Next Meeting

Monday April 13 6pm @ Anoka High School Room 108