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December 2014 Minutes

Date: 12-8-2014

Time: 6:00-7:15

Location: Anoka High School Room 108


Randy Doppler, Kris Doppler, Joe Laudenbach, Jill Laudenbach, Paula Lohse, Greg Lohse, Wendy Bengston, Ryan Tohm, Paul Hillborn, Kerry Sutton, Loren Walberg, Gwen Ledin


Agenda Item

Financials-Wendy Bengston


Reviewed cash intake from tournament. We had a successful tournament! Still going through returns and final costs, etc.

Action Item(s)


Agenda Item

Classic Tournament Review – Randy Doppler


Thank you to all who helped to make this successful. It was a long 2 days and a lot of prep time ahead of that so thank you to all that were involved! Overall we have heard good responses from teams involved in the tournament. Parents commenting on how friendly everyone was, the facilities were good, trophies were over the top-kids were giddy.

Brief review/changes or comments for next year:

  • More coffee, perhaps purchase a couple Keurig makers and have coffee, hot choc., cider etc. avail.? We ran out of coffee both days.
  • We know the tournament dates for next year, try to secure a venue less expensive to rent instead of Anoka Ramsey College, it was a great facility but very expensive for us to rent. Thoughts are Oakview Middle School, Fred Moore both days full? Jackson Middle School?, Lord of Life use again for sure, very helpful, also there are rumblings they are looking to build more gyms so we could have more courts in the future? Possibility.
  • Menu was good, overall no changes. Candy-maybe look at options other than chocolate; some commented that younger kids like sour patch, other candy then M&Ms and Recess etc.
  • Muffins have more available they were asked for throughout the day.

Brief review/changes for Player Volunteers:

  • Create generic sign-up sheet that can be used to have players sign up right away. Coaches to complete with the teams early. We know the dates ahead of time; we can have sign up ready to go the same day as the Parent Meeting? Or do the first practice when reviewing other administrative items. Let the players know to block out their calendar for that weekend! This year Coach didn’t receive sign up from Gary until Thursday. Difficult to get kids there and signed up. Need to change for next year. Miscommunications caused a lot of double shifts for some kids. A long day for them. 
  • Perhaps if needing more volunteers contact the Girls Basketball program to see if available to help.
  • The players that did not show up for this tournament to work are on the list to volunteer first for the Anoka Ramsey Youth tournament in February.

Coach brought up the time he spent with Gary on Sunday just talking through issues. Coach offered to be the middle man between Boosters and Gary. Relationship is strained, Booster officers have tried to meet with Gary and talk through, all was discussed and then issues continued to come up during the course of the weekend. Coach will be the contact for us. Thank you Coach!

Thank You notes to be sent: Gwen will send in the mail before Christmas

  • Culvers (donated ice and lettuce)
  • Caribou – two locations, one on Ferry Street, one on Bunker/47
  • Cub
  • Lord of Life Church – Cindy B & Mark Theil
  • Anoka Ramsey College – Lisa & Goose
  • Anoka High School custodians – Tom and Tony
  • Anoka Middle School custodian – Adam
  • Gary Gave
  • Above and beyond stayed extra shifts etc

Action Item(s)

Use this information next year when starting Tournament discussions.


Agenda Item

Scoreboard Update – Paul Hillborn


Finally purchase order was received and submitted. We will miss our install date as originally desired. However, we are looking to have installed in late January. Electrical changes can be done; and prep work needed can be done ahead of time so when scoreboard arrives it can be installed. Existing scoreboards will be updated, border painted, sponsors added, retro fitted so all are compatible with the new scoreboard. Also, Paul is working on images to use on the columns in the mezzanine. He has received a couple; he and Gwen Poore are working to get these images to give a running history of Anoka sports along the Fieldhouse mezzanine. A mural will be painted in the space next to the scoreboard on the visitor wall.

Action Item(s)

Shift date of unveiling and celebration.

Agenda Item

Halftime Events – Paula Lohse


National Anthem vocals are available for all home games; Paula will contact each as reminder before their night to sing. Pep band is scheduled for two games, no vocal those nights. 8th graders were excited the night they were announced and were in the opening huddle with the Varsity team. A few of them wore their t-shirts the next day to school. Each home game will have teams there; the next group is the 7th grade traveling teams. Paul Lombard Traveling B-ball Commissioner said the teams are into it and he is generating the interest for the teams to all be represented. So far it is a positive for the programs. Next home game we’re looking to do an airplane toss, no cost, no fundraising just an event. Paul Hillborn will bring in a table that has hoop attached anyone who gets in receives gift card- we have Subway cards and some Wild Mountain cards to give out.

Action Item(s)


Agenda Item

Alumni Game – Coach Tohm


Game will be January 8th after the Varsity game. Word is out enthusiasm is generating! Former players have been asking about it. Should be a fun event. Coach is looking to have tournament with teams from decade graduated etc. play 5 min, then play til winner. Maybe have shirts printed etc. Nothing needed from the Booster club for that even at this point. Coach will let us know.

Action Item(s)


Agenda Item

Pizza Party – Gwen Ledin


Looking to have pizza for the players on Saturday after the Hudson game on December 13th.  Gwen will call and reserve the cafeteria or figure out tables/chairs in the gym. Bus should return between 6:00-6:30? Order pizza qty. like we had for the parent meeting. Bring the M&Ms from tournament. Gatorade from tournament. Joe, Paula and Greg offered to help set up etc.

Action Item(s) Gwen will order pizza, confirm cafeteria

Agenda Item

Events to Chair and organize


Coaches vs. Cancer – Chairpersons: Kerry Sutton &  Joe Laudenbach

Banquet – Chairperson: Paula Lohse, Helpers: Greg Lohse, Paul Hillborn

Senior Player/Parent Night – Chairperson: Gwen, Helpers: Jill Laudenbach

Action Item(s) Gwen will send to each chairperson the parents who offered to help with each event.


Next Meeting

Monday January 12, 2015 @ Anoka High School Room 108