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February 2015 Minutes

Date: 2-2-2015

Time: 6:00-8:00

Location: Anoka High School Room 108


Randy Doppler, Kris Doppler, Joe Laudenbach, Jill Laudenbach, Paula Lohse, Greg Lohse, Wendy Bengston, Ryan Tohm, Paul Hillborn, Kerri Sutton, Scott Mueller, Paul Lombard, Sally Lombard, Gwen Ledin



Agenda Item

Financials-Wendy Bengston


Tournament receipts all paid. Tonight received trainer invoice from Anoka Ramsey. $26,115 profit.

Action Item(s)


Agenda Item

Coaches vs. Cancer Event – Joe Laudenbach


Need to sell more t-shirts. MORP is deterring some, hoping kids may come to game first then go to MORP. Jason Putnam is selling the shirts in the Deca Mart. Some kids indicated they were bringing money tomorrow. We can order more shirts quickly if needed. Joe will keep in touch with Tornado Alley and have them print as needed. Online orders people will pick up at the door, they will be packaged with their name. Kerri will be at table with American Cancer Society (ACS) rep. Need a few more people to help early-3:30-varsity game. Youth night-Sally will coordinate the kids. They will line the court high-five the players as they come in for warm-ups. Raffle drawings at half-time and during time outs. Principal Farley will give opening remarks at the start of the game. Announce the Dylan Witchen Foundation, 76 second drill will be announced. Kris Doppler is putting together. Baskets/buckets from ACS to use for this. Youth players will receive poster to have players sign after the game. Cookies/punch reception after the game. Elk River ordered t-shirts and will use as warm up shirts.

Action Item(s)

Use one of the posters and have players sign and give to Troy as Thank you for support of this event and overall support for program.

Agenda Item

Scoreboard Update – Paul Hilborn


Delivery was not made due to weather. The murals are set to be installed and good to go. The scoreboard may be delayed due to multiple steps to get installed and ready to go. Will update with new details as received. Sally has contact to use a lift for installation-Paul will connect with her on details. Black roll of plastic at Home Depot $78.18 to cover and allow for unveiling when ready.

Action Item(s)


Agenda Item

Senior Night/Parent Night – Gwen Ledin/Jill Laudenbach


Posters/banners ordered thru DoAll Printing-waiting for proofs then few days and they will be ready to pick up. Blankets-Jill ordered the embroidery and they are ready to be put together. She will let us know if she needs help assembling. Thank you’s have been given to players and picked up to hand out that night. Button/corsage made for mom’s-Thank you Jill! Awesome job!! Refreshments after the game-cookies, punch have been ordered from cafeteria. Announced before the game begins we will have players/parents line up at 6:45, asked to arrive by 6:30. Bill Leach will announce player and comments, end up at center court. Gwen and Jill meeting to finalize logistics over the weekend.

Action Item(s)


Agenda Item

Banquet – Paula Lohse


Invitations will be sent out and RSVP will be handled on the website. Acapulco will cater, water bottles Georgi Walberg will order from school in coolers, Dessert will be ordered from Costco-cakes. Centerpiece decorations made hand out after banquet maybe rather than have to store them. Cookies being made for players by Janessa Tohm. Balloons and Tornado will be used for decorations. Program will be in the auditorium after dinner. Sally is putting together slideshow. Also, photos and photo books available for players. Coach will give awards. Need to order Tornado award, Sterling Trophy. Other certificates will be printed at school-Tohm will handle. Georgi Wallberg may get some free gift cards as giveaways.

Action Item(s)

Paula handling details

Agenda Item

Player/Coach after practice Meal


Saturday February 21st we will serve Chick-Fil-A sandwiches, 2 per player, chips, water, Gatorade Qty. 125 – 45 players, 8 coaches, 9 managers.

Action Item(s)

Sally has contact for the sandwiches

Agenda Item

Future Purchases – Randy Doppler


Sticky Mat was ordered and picked up. Has our logo on it…looks great! Thanks Randy!! Cart 20 capacity have been ordered 2 of them. With shipping etc. $1600. Should last a long time. The existing carts have been around for a long time, falling apart. Dribbling goggles use at all levels –youth and up. Discussion with Paul Lombard on coaches having them available. Need some direction on expectations to use etc. Put together bags for all coaches with tools to help develop the players.

Action Item(s)

Communication with high school coaches and youth program

Agenda Item

Off season Information


At the banquet, have available options for camps, AAU, Fall teams etc. Armstrong League again for 8th graders coming into the high school program, St. Paul League Coach Sparstad knows about, would be good for the players. Scrimmages again with Blaine, St. Francis etc. hoping to do more of them. Open Gym trying to get two nights during the week in the summer. Lifting program then open gym, hoping to have better timing 8-9 so not broken up like last summer. Make some requirements for players to attend. Commitment to the program, etc. Fall AAU tournaments MYAS tournaments-Breakdown. MEB had minimal attendance, try to get during the week instead of over Friday and Saturday could allow for more attending. Discussion regarding a Motivational Speaker for the team. Krossfire..maybe have at player/parent meeting. Communicate early dates for camps etc. so kid know about them early and can plan around them.

Action Item(s)



Next Meeting

Monday March 2nd @ Anoka High School Room 108