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November 2014 Minutes

Date: 10-13-2014

Time: 6:00-8:00

Location: Doppler’s House


Randy Doppler, Kris Doppler, Jill Laudenbach, Paula Lohse, Greg Lohse, Wendy Bengston, Ryan Tohm, Paul Hillborn, Gwen Ledin


SPECIAL BOOSTER MTG. MONDAY Nov. 17 @ 6PM, AT Paul Hillborn’s house 14331 Neon St. NW, Ramsey


Agenda Item

Financials-Wendy Bengston


Reviewed handout with balance and detail of financials. We have received a lot of checks for tournament entry fees. Will connect with Gary again this week and pick up any additional he has received. 76 teams for tourney so far. We have received program ad fees from DQ, Tornado Alley and Cub Foods. Paid coaches for the coaching clinic, fall ball fees were collected, practice jerseys paid for adding of numbers. Wendy signed up for the online banking with TCF, they are going to begin charging for statements etc. so hoping to save $$ using online. Applied for debit card.

Action Item(s)


Agenda Item

Scoreboard-Paul Hillborn


Update on purchasing scoreboard was detailed. We have the funds to do it!! Way to go Paul! Huge thank you for all of the legwork and dedication to the program for making this a reality. Many of the other athletic programs have donated as well as Anoka/Ramsey community athletic programs. Businesses and alumni from Anoka have all contributed to make this happen. Advertising will be included on the new scoreboard and the existing scoreboards will be upgraded with advertising and upgrades to allow for compatibility with the new scoreboard. The company that was used for the existing boards is who we are using for the new one so it will all have a coordinated look feel and operation with controllers. It will also allow for future upgrades, etc. Details yet to work out, timing of install hoping to schedule around the winter break. New board in place when kids are back in session in January!! FUN! Electrical contracting is being confirmed. We have to use district approved company-licensed, bonded etc. Paul detailed how the scoreboard will be installed along with graphic Gwen Poore is working on. The graphic will include the history of Anoka successes in all athletic programs. Will be placed to the side of the scoreboard finishing the entire wall area with new look. Also, the pillars on mezzanine will be upgraded with Anoka athletic history images, wrapped with photos; our gymnasium is getting a facelift! Discussion around dedicating the new scoreboard at the first home game after install so early January. Pre-game dedication so we can use half-time entertainment-danceline. Also invite the youth programs to ensure all are a part of the dedication. Could also be the Alumni Game night also!

Again a HUGE shout out to Paul Hillborn for doing so much for this entire project.

Action Item(s)

Paul has details and is in contact with Gwen Poore to ensure all is on track. For dedication of scoreboard, Paula is working on details for the danceline to be scheduled. We need someone to contact board members of other programs to ensure all know about it? Also Alumni Game details. Will finalize/discuss at special meeting.

Agenda Item

Hope 4 Youth-General discussion


Paul and Randy brought up a possible fund raiser event for Hope 4 Youth. Food drive to stock the food shelves and/or other monetary donations. In Anoka area, 900 kids are without proper shelter and go without food. 75% are under the age of 18. Paul also is working with Devon George to line up for a possible event. We could do along with food drive or clothing drive. He could do 1:1 at halftime with Coach Tohm? Invite the youth programs etc. George is an Augsburg grad and former NBA player. We also had discussion of possibly doing Feed My Starving Children for team building event.

Action Item(s)

Paul and Randy will keep us posted on scheduling, etc.

Agenda Item

Classic Tournament-Randy Doppler


Discussion again around the three locations. Concern with amount of waste with concessions, # of volunteers needed, etc. Youth program has 94 teams in their tournament and only use two sites. We have 88 teams at the most right now and need three sites? Questions around the need, Wendy will ask Gary when she picks up the checks to confirm and make sure all sites are needed. Maybe we can condense and use one additional beyond the high school for an entire day or something. Gary was trying to have the brackets available by parent player meeting. Would be great so we for sure know how many spots we need to fill for volunteers. Scoreboards are needed for each site-6 total.

Action Item(s)

Special meeting Monday Nov.17 to finalize all the details!!!


Agenda Item

Kris Doppler-Parent/Player Meeting


·         Randy, Kris and Gwen will be at school by 4pm to start set up and get things ready. Tables/chairs will be set up by custodian. We decided we need 15 tables and I think we said 10 chairs? Not all tables need full set of chairs…mainly for us to sit behind. Pictures for players start at 4:30 and should take an hour. (9th grade mtg. 6:30, 10th JV/Varsity mtg. 7:30).

·         By 6pm we want kids eating pizza, for sure the 9th grade players so they can attend the meeting at 6:30. Wendy will pre-order and pre-pay for the pizza. Ordering from $5 Pizza. We decided on:

o    15 pepperoni

o    10 sausage

o    5 cheese

·         Randy & Kris will purchase: water, cookies, brownie bites and paper plates at Costco. We have napkins left over from last year. (330 to be exact…ha ha ha) J

·         Coach Tohm has 60 clipboards and Jill Laudenbach will bring pens so we can hand out along with parent packet to the attending parents to complete and return at the end of the meeting.

·         Apparel from Tornado Alley will all be ordered online. Parents/players only need to decide what they want to order and can look at samples for sizing after the meeting is done. Our apparel choices will be: hoodie, ¼ zip, sweatpants, t-shirts. Can be customized with name and/or number based on the item. All details will be on the website. Tornado Alley will have flyer detailing the items for us to have that night. Online store will remain open until Thursday November 20th. Orders should be completed in two weeks.

·         Shooter shirts will be done separately. Players pay for their own shirt. All JV/Varsity will have the same shirt. 9th & 10th will have different shirt not as much $$. Not sure final decision on how that piece is working! (Greg/Randy?)

·         Placement for board members:

o    Welcome and direct parents downstairs: Randy Sieben

o    Entry table with clipboards/packets: Jill Laudenbach & Paula Lohse

o    Classic Tournament sign up: Randy Doppler, Kerry (Jackson’s mom?)

o    Concessions Sign up/Volunteer sign up turn in: Kris Doppler

o    Player Profile, Player Tributes, Photo Release Form turn in: Gwen Ledin

o    Apparel: Greg Lohse (and Randy Sieben after he is done on Welcome duty)

o    Website table: Greg Lohse & Loren Wallberg (locate Apparel and Website tables together so Greg can do both until Randy is available)

o    Pizza/Food table: Paul Hillborn, Wendy Bengston

·         Meeting structure: (same for both meetings, 10th, JV/Varsity not as detailed)

o    Welcome and Introductions: Coach Tohm (5 min)

o    Website: Greg Lohse (5 min)

o    Booster Club: Randy Doppler (5 min)

o    Player/Parent Detail: Coach Tohm (30 min)

·         Board members wear their Coaches vs. Cancer shirts from last year, anyone with questions knows who to find and ask.

Action Item(s)

Final decision on shooter shirts-pay online also or? Order forms there to complete? Can’t remember where we were putting Kerry?

Agenda Item

Willie Vang Donation-Randy Doppler


Discussion around giving donation to Willie Vang, he was recently diagnosed with stage 4 thyroid cancer. He was a coach to some of the boys in the Anoka travelling program and has coached a lot of the players in spring and/or fall leagues. We decided to give $500 now and then look after what we raise at the tournament and send another donation. Discussion around coaches vs. cancer night and having donations for him? Will confirm and discuss at special meeting next week.

Action Item(s)

Wendy will submit check. Special meeting confirm thoughts about another donation and how we want to set up, etc.

Agenda Item

Special event Games-Randy Doppler


At the special meeting next week we need to identify dates for the following: Alumni Game (after game we dedicate new scoreboard?) Coaches vs. Cancer, Parent/Sr. Night, and Banquet-decide date at least?

Action Item(s)

Everyone look at calendar and bring thoughts to next meeting.





Agenda Item

Halftime and Pre-game-Paula Lohse


Has sent emails to all music teachers about having vocalist/musician for National Anthem at all of the home games. Also confirming schedule for danceline.

Action Item(s)

Paula will continue to line up the details. Once we have specific events decided for games she will confirm danceline for games etc.

Agenda Item

Krossover-Coach Tohm


Coach presented details on using “Krossover” program for the film recorded at the games. This company will take the film and cut, tag; submit stats which will allow for more specific instructions during Saturday film meetings. There are different packages. The girls program already uses and we can receive a discount. Coach talked to them at the clinic this fall and would really like to implement this year if possible. The returned film will allow coaches to display all items tagged with specific game fundamentals. Ex. Rebounds-it will show all clips of all rebounds for that game and can break down further by other tagging. Discussion about filming and camera, maybe purchase GoPro and have at center court. To keep the filming the same for all games. Turnaround time for getting film back is different depending on the package chosen. Decision approved by all board members to purchase package now and start with the first game so Coach Tohm can have all season and use right away. Chose the package that provides 24-48 hour turnaround time so he can have for Saturday film meetings. $1200 cost.

Action Item(s)

Coach will contact rep and set up for this season.


Meeting Information:


SPECIAL BOOSTER MEETING: MONDAY Nov. 17 @ 6PM, AT Paul Hillborn’s house 14331 Neon St. NW, Ramsey

Next Regular Scheduled Booster meeting: Monday December 8, 6pm at the High School Room 108