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December 2013 Minutes

15 attendees with AD Gwen Poore in attendance

1. Tournament

We discussed keeping the number of teams low enough to use just 1 site, easier to manage and still good profits.

Paul Lombard (ARAA basketball commissioner) talked about trying to send some B and C teams next year and then still keeping Elk River happy .

Paul Lombard also gave suggestions on ways to increase our numbers next year. They were:  Look at the MYAS book to find a different weekend that doesn’t have a “big” tournament.  Check with teams that were here and see if we can get them to commit for next year.  Sell a weekend pass - $10 for the weekend (people like a “deal”).

Carol will write thank you notes to Dunn Brothers, Champlin McDonald’s, Tom Schacht, Coach Tohm, Duane and Dawn.

2. Pasta Dinner on December 11

We will be serving hot dogs, walking tacos, beverages and candy to all teams after practice in the cafeteria.  Wendy, Jill, Carol and Paula will be there to set up and serve.

3. Halftime event on December 12

The traveling 7B team will be introduced and sit behind the team. 

There will be half court shots at half time for $1.  Derrick, Carol, Lori, Buz, Duane and Greg will collect money and handle the balls. Wendy will pick up 20-$5 Subway gift cards to cover the rest of the season.

Other dates to introduce traveling teams would be: Jan. 3, Jan. 14, Jan. 21, Jan. 30 and Feb. 5.

4. Faculty game at halftime on December 17.

Coach Tohm is setting this up.  If there is not enough faculty, alumni might be able to play against faculty.  Randy will check with Coach about how this is coming along.

5. Programs
We would like to include team pictures from ARAA (as was done in the past)
We need to set a photo date.  Joe has a list of extra pictures needed.  Randy will ask Jim Trewin if he would take those. Julie and Paula will coordinate that day.
Carol will send AD Poore the list of players who have not turned in their photo release.

6. Scorer’s Table

Paul Hilborn did some research on these.  We can purchase a 12 foot table for $3,800 or 2 – 8 foot tables for $5,000 from Athletic Pro.  There would be graphic panels on the sides which we could change for $200 at a later date.  It is bench fixed with lit panels.  We could add digital at the ends later if we want.  It would take 4 weeks to get (maybe more with the holidays now).

AD Gwen Poore said she has already talked to girl’s basketball, volleyball, and wrestling about contributing.  She said the school might be contributing too.  She will ask for $500 per group. 

We agreed that we should move ahead and purchase the 12 foot tableand we will pay the $1,000 deposit.  The forms will be signed by the AD and Paul will work with Greg on the graphics.

7. Alumni Game on January 3

Coach Tohm is coordinating this – Randy will check with him on it.

8. Anoka Shoot-out

February 7-9. 

They will want the boy’s team to help with scoring tables.

If our 9th graders would like to gather teams for a bracket they would play for free.  Randy will talk to Coach about this.